Angel Fancy Dress Costumes – Popularity on the Rise
The popularity of angel fancy dress costumes appears to be on the increase. A recent fun run in the north of England in aid of a cancer charity saw the 2000 female runners competing in a variety of costumes, with many dressed in angel wings and tutus, with the colour pink the order of the day. Maybe they were hoping to finish the course on a wing and a prayer, or possibly that they could even fly the route! It could be that many runners have had enough of the impractical giant penguins and chickens, Coco the Clown or Huggie Bear costumes some participants insist on wearing and which must certainly be an encumbrance.
Although charity races are billed as “fun runs”, they are still taken quite seriously by runners intent on finishing the course, which can quite often be a distance of five or even ten kilometres. Surely there can be nothing worse, in the warm weather we have had lately, than running dressed in a woolly mask and heavy bodysuit? Angel fancy dress sounds like a fun and cool (in both senses of the word) costume to wear for such an event. Wouldn’t it be good if some clever person could invent a pair of streamlined angel fancy dress wings with added dynamo to increase running speed?
Fun runs are not the only events where participants have worn angel fancy dress. At public events such as music gigs, it has become fashionable to turn up dressed in all kinds of weird and wonderful costumes. One example is a certain famous female singer’s recent free gig in Notting Hill, for which the 400 audience members were asked to turn up in fancy dress depicting a London tube station. Hence many of the invited guests turned up in angel fancy dress, to represent Angel tube station in Islington, North London.
Others were dressed as birds (Canary Wharf), Sherlock Holmes (Baker Street) and one couple even covered themselves in grass and green paint (presumably depicting Green Park). The star performer of the show was dressed as Queen Victoria (representing Victoria Station), complete with a grey wig and crown, frilled blouse and long Victorian skirt and corset. It was reported that the singer complained, with one or two expletives, that it was difficult to sing in a corset, but would Her Majesty have been amused?
Fancy dress is even becoming popular as wedding attire, and not only for the bride and groom. The theme could be “superheroes”, film characters or pop stars for example. At a recent ceremony held by a celebrity couple to renew their wedding vows, guests were asked to turn up as saints or sinners. Apparently the female guests sparkled in angel fancy dress costumes, complete with tiaras, wings and wands. It was not reported what the men wore!